It’s Your Time To Awaken To Your Happiest, Healthiest, Wealthiest and Most Joyful Life!

Finding Harmony in all areas is the key to creating the balance, peace and joy you are looking for! Living Consciously is the practice of self awareness, self care, self responsibility and Loving Kindness toward yourself and all others.

Michele has not only the training but decades of experience in working with people to heal, shift, and re-align their lives to manifest their true passion. Her commitment and ability to truly care about her clients inspires the desire to work through any struggle and reach the goals that are set together in personally designed programs.

You’ll experience a gentle yet powerful mentoring that will help you to transform the limitations, struggle, blocks and patterns that keep you from fully living your llife.

Imagine feeling free from anxiety, overwhelm and frustration!

Imagine feeling calm, confident and inspired to reach your goals, easily.

Imagine having a clear head to focus, a healthy body and the the ability to manifest what you desire!

And with your private sessions you also have access to the Conscious Living Academy, an accredited institution by the International Metaphysical Practitioners Association (IMPA), I offer courses, memberships, and advanced spiritual programs to support your conscious evolution and deeper inner connection.

All of this is waiting for you!!

Are you ready to awaken to the life you were meant to live?

Schedule your complimentary Discovery Session so we can reach your goals and manifest your vision for your life!

I am trained and certified in over 22 powerful healing modalities, and all of them are at your disposal when we work together!

This means you'll never have to stress or worry about asking for the right "thing".

Whatever you need, whether it is 1:1 Coaching, Neuro-Bliss Healing Journey for Women or Hypnotherapy to help you clear the path to create a vision for your life that you are in love with, or maybe you would benefit from some Reiki or Advanced Energy Healing, a Reading or Mediumship Sitting, or maybe a prayer and meditation before we start? I’m a Spiritual Evolutionary!! I've got you covered! To put it another way, I take the guesswork out of the healing process, saving my clients time and money. 

Better still, each session in my program builds on the next, deepening your consciousness, expanding your connection, creating healing, balance and spiritual growth. By the end, we will have peeled back the layers of whatever it is that's blocking you and causing you pain and unhappiness so that you can step fully into your power and live the life you really want. (Ahhhh...doesn’t that already feel amazing?!)

It’s time for you to step off the overwhelming track of trying and getting nowhere, and leap into a new journey of success, health, wealth, happiness and living your life on your terms. And you don’t have to do it alone, I’ve got you!! Schedule your complimentary Discovery session now and let’s take you from Overwhelm to Empowerment!!

Some fun facts about Michele:

1) I’m on You Tube!!

Enjoy all kinds of wonderful fun on My You Tube!! My channel offers interviews with interesting topics, healing short videos, meditations and more!

The gem of my channel is Bridgewalkers LIVE with RevNed, Dana Sparks and myself!! Every 3rd Tuesday at 4:00pm pst. Join us on our monthly show as we open with beautiful prayers to align with the Divine Essence within all of life. We will discuss spirituality, conscious living, sacred wisdom teachings, and a variety of topics and issues. We will laugh, cry and learn to connect deeper into our sacred selves. You will also get to enjoy Rev Neds awesome videos and Dana Sparks soul touching songs!! It is truely a sacred time we get to share together!

Go To The YouTube Channel NOW!

2) I have a site for you that is filled with prayers and meditations!!

I have said for years that if people would meditate every day the world would be a better place. Well guess what? I have created this patreon site for exactly that!! I offer bite sized prayers, meditations, affirmations and healing experiences to fit your busy lifestyle! There are also full length meditations for when you need something more!! Check out my Patreon Site, Meditation Station for Elevation!!

Go To Meditation Station For Elevation NOW

3) And I have a Super Fun, Free Patreon Page called Sacred Space Coloring Corner.

I offer free coloring pages and a You Tube show where we color the pages together!! Coloring is so much fun when you share with friends!

You can also find Coloring Books, Oracle Card Coloring Books and my Coach In A Box digital products for sale to bring more peace, relaxation, good health and joy into your life! Find out more about the fun thats happening over at Sacred Space Coloring Corner:

Visit my Free Patreon site HERE

4) I love unicorns! (Once you understand why, you will too!)

I first became attuned to unicorns and their powerful healing essence in 2005. Since then, I incorporate them into my work whenever I can! (You'll even notice them sprinkled around this site for fun!) Still not sure about the power of these majestic creatures?? Click here to read an entire blog post I wrote on the topic. An excerpt: “The Unicorn ... represents the purity of our own Divine Sacred Soul, and as we release the illusion of our separation from God, we find our inner Unicorn. Unicorns have withstood the sands of time to bring to us the ability to reach our own magnificent Light, and to stand in that power with Love.”


Love Yourself

Because thats where God is - A message straight from Divine Mind to You.

Yahweh Ehyah Adonai