Sacred Space Art Therapy

Where Healing Starts With Playtime!

Enjoy our Thoughtful, Inspiring and Uplifting Digital Coloring Books

Therapists, how fun would it be to have your own personally designed coloring books for your clients, students? We can do that for you!

If you are a coloring enthusiast, join my Patreon site to find coloring pages and monthly “Let’s Color” videos where we color together and enjoy the amazing benefits of unleashing the creative within!!


Enjoy some of the beautiful digital coloring books that are available to you!

You can find more coloring books and purchase them from Sacred Space Coloring Corner Patreon site.


Beautiful Angelic Affirmation Coloring Book w/ I AM Affirmations

Angel Coloring Books

Angelic Affirmations is a 22 page coloring book filled with beautiful angels and I AM Affirmations! This book was created with meditation in mind. Meditate on the affirmation with each angel to relax and move into deep meditative consciousness.

This is a digital download product you can print out on your own computer!!

Forest Fantasy Homes Coloring Book w/ Cozy Home Affirmations!

Forest Fantasy Homes Coloring Book!

Forest Fantasy Homes is a delightful 22 page coloring book that will take your imagination on a tour of the secret places of the forest! Home is where the heart is, and you can feel relaxed and inspired with the beautiul sayings that come with each coloring page.

This is a digital download product you can print out on your own computer!!

Beautiful Faeries Coloring Book w/ Uplifting Affirmations!

Beautiful Faeries Coloring Book

Take your imagination into the world of beautiful, magical faeries in this 22 page coloring book! Find them in their favorite places and in their beautiful poses. Faeries are stewards of the air and of the miraculous! Meditate with the affirmation on each coloring page to relax and uplift your mind!

This is a digital download product you can print out on your own computer!!


Beautiful Mandalas and Fractals Coloring Book

22 Pages of Mandalas, Fractals and positive Affirmations for inspiration and joy.

Each creation keeps relaxation, meditation and raising your frquency in mind.

This is a digital download product you can print out on your own computer!!

There are many more coloring books over on my Sacred Space Coloring Corner Patreon Site, Unicorns, Cupcakes and Sweets, Holiday Coloring books, Tropical Hawaii, Beautiful Flower Gardens, Faerie and Mushroom Homes, Love Through The Ages and even an Animal Spirit Oracle Card Deck that you color and use for your own intuitive guidance!!

Some of the amazing Benefits of Coloring:

Coloring reduces stress and anxiety.
Coloring can help you sleep better.
Coloring can help you focus better.
Coloring can help with your fine motor skills.
Coloring can help you achieve mindfulness.
Coloring can help to combat negative thoughts.
Coloring is portable – meaning you can take it wherever you go.
Coloring can help you unplug and foster inner connection.
Coloring can help calm Dementia and Alzheimer’s patients.
Coloring can help kids to calm down.
Coloring makes you happy and reconnects you to your childlike joy.
Coloring is a wonderful guide for meditation.

Coloring is a wonderful family activity that can foster communication and trust.

Color books make great Christmas gifts, Hanukkah gifts, Valentine’s gifts, Easter gifts, Graduation gifts, birthday gifts, anytime gifts and stocking stuffers.
Color books are great for birthday parties, bridal showers, party games, baby showers, graduation parties, Christmas parties, holiday parties, game night, office parties and they make great party gifts as well.
Color books make great party favors and party gifts.
Coloring is really fun entertainment for kids, teens, young adults, adults and seniors!