Lean Into The Magic!!
Allow the Spiritual Awakening that has been calling to your soul.
Lean into the magic of your spiritual AWAKENING!
Become a Member!!
Our Membership Program is called A Million I Love You’s. It is founded on a Divine Message received in early 2022 where Michele was asked to bring a million I Love You’s out into the world. As Michele meditated on this wonderful message and asked how best to do it, she received this answer: Create a space for people who are ready to love themselves at deeper levels than ever before, people who know it’s time to become all they are meant to be. This center of love will draw the people who are ready to lean into the magic of their spiritual awakening. This is how we will heal the earth and humanity.
To do this, Michele was guided to create a membership program where Love is the central focus. Through this program, and by embracing our own natural state of Love, all of us will begin to bring A Million I Love You’s out into the world as a natural result of loving ourselves!
As more and more of us gather together, we will begin a movement of unconditional love that will have thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of people blessing all of life through our open hearts and loving way of living.
This is the magic that will bring our world back into balance, peace and joy.
Find out more about the membership below….
With your Monthly Membership
you will receive:
Weekly Guided Messages. Michele brings in Divine Transmissions to bless and guide your week, Live in the Facebook Group on Tuesdays at 11am pst. ($100 value)
Weekly 5D Meditation and Ascension Teachings on Weds at 6pm pst on zoom. Michele brings in powerful ascension energies each week to awaken heart and mind! ($100 value)
Exclusive Members Only Quarterly Live Group Get Together with Michele for getting to know eachother, energy updates, teachings, Q&A, and having a good time together. Sounds like a party to me!! Lol! ($100 value)
Exclusive Members Only Facebook Group to receive Weekly Guided Messages, uplifing posts, notifications, and to share our experiences as we align with Love!
10% discounts on Private Sessions with Michele
VIP Access to Master Classes, Courses and Events! Lots more goodies coming with this!!
You may cancel at any time!! But we hope you won’t!! We’d miss you!!
A Million I Love You’s is a part of the Conscious Living Academy, a fully accredited Academy of Spiritual Evolution