About Conscious Living Academy
Conscious Living Academy is accredited through the International Metaphysical Practitioners Association.
We are an educational institution that is founded on the belief that consciousness is everything and that every one of us can obtain mastery of our lives by exploring the vast and exciting realms of mind, emotion, energy, frequency and the quantum multi-dimensional fields of existance. It is truly an Academy for Spiritual Evolution!
Our Academy believes that by being curious about our lives and choosing to become a master of self discipline, we begin to explore the depth of our consciousness. And by learning who we are by that exploration, we grow to truly love ourselves and the world around us. We understand that we have always been so much more that we’ve been told. Our world is vast and exciting and limitless! As we explore this vast space, with wisdom and intention, we find that we can be who we were always meant to be; powerful, creative, beautiful, compassionate, confident, joyous, healthy and free. And even more.
As we grow into the vastness of our limitless self, as Love becomes our center, we become wayshowers, ambassadors, visionaries, creators and leaders for the New Earth Paradigm that is in the making even as we speak. We radiate Love out into the world just by being who we are. Together, we usher in the age of love centered conscious living for the well being of all Life.
Conscious Living Academy offers live classes, courses, meditations, private and group activities, and opportunities to grow spiritually, mentally, emotionally and consciously through exploring these realms from many perspectives, belief systems and avenues of awakening.
Neuro Bliss - The Neuro Bliss Program offers therapeutic approaches such as archtyping, EFT/Tapping, somatic breathing, art therapy, neurographics, frequency healing, meditation, mindfulness techniques and spiritual development aim to address and release the stored tension and energy associated with trauma, allowing individuals to integrate their experiences and promote healing on both psychological and physiological levels. Find out more HERE
Neuro Bliss offers weekend workshops and full day retreats throughout the year. Visit our CALENDAR HERE to find dates and times and to register.
*Find out about Conscious Living Classes, Workshops, Retreats, Meditations and YouYube Shows that Michele offers. Check out our Calendar, CLICK HERE
*Michele offers many different Services, for more info, please CLICK HERE
*To raise your frequency and get into the Bliss Zone explore amazing meditations, healing, prayers and affirmations, check out Michele’s Patreon membership site: MEDITATION STATION FOR ELEVATION
Conscious Living Academy’s commitment is to bring you the highest consciousness of teaching and guidance that is available.
Together, we can do this, and enjoy every moment along the way!
Are you ready to lean into the magic of your Spiritual Journey?
Explore our Exclusive Academy Membership, “A Million I Love You’s”, by clicking the button below:
Conscious Living Academy is honored to be accredited through
IMPA International Metaphysical Practitioners Association.
Love yourself, ‘cuz that’s where God is - Yahweh Ehya Adonai