Maybe You Already Are Perfect
November is always a mystical month. We've just come through the thin veils of Halloween and are feeling the change of seasons. And now the holidays are coming on fast! It kinda feels like that in-breath you take before you jump off Diver's Cliff on your amazing tropical vacation. You feel the anticipation. You sense the urgency. It's exciting, isn't it?
And on top of it all, family is coming to your house this year for Thanksgiving?! Oh no! It's time to clean up some of the clutter, spruce up the guest room and get ready!!
This year, lets all take a few moments each day to be thankful. Let's slow down and get present in the moment, to look around and connect to where we are and who we are in our hearts, in our souls.
We've come through a tough few years collectively, and a lot of us are a little worn out!! Maybe its time to get back to the basics. Maybe its time to find gratitude in the little things, your cats silly behavior or the neighbors tree that hangs over your fence and offers its fruits every summer. Maybe give a little extra thank you to your car, your home, your bed, your favorite chair. Maybe to your family and friends you havent connected with all year. Maybe to those teachers in your life that make things a little annoying at times! Arg, right? But you've learned, you've grown. It's something to be grateful for.
And maybe, give some gratitude to yourself. You've made it this far, maybe a little bruised and broken, but here you are, reading this. Somehow you've found yourself to a place where you are loved. Even if I don't know you personally. I Love You. You are important and valuable. You are precious and sacred. You are beautiful. You are needed here, your love and your light are important. You are here because there is a Divine Order that knows you are worthwhile and holy. Maybe just being exactly who you are, right now, right here is all that is needed. Maybe you are perfect.
Thank you for being the perfectly imperfect, perfect you.
I Love You