Happy Leo Full Moon - Rawwr!!

Happy Full Moon in Leo everyone!!!

If the intense energy of the Lions Gate portal, and the multiple solar flares aren't enough, then you will welcome the fiery energy of this full moon in Leo, the Lion!! Raawwwwr!!

This Leo full moon is full of the energies of initiation, manifestation and power!! It's time to drop the act, stop being who you are not, and step into the full expression of who you truly are. Now! Roar like the Divine Lion that you are. You are royalty. Divine royalty. Children of God. It's time to take up your rightful place.


Riddle me this: Who are you when you aren't being what everyone else wants you to be?

I allow myself to ponder this often so I can live my life as close to my true self as is possible. Sometimes its super easy, and sometimes it's really hard. Sometimes I roar, and sometimes I can barely get out a tiny little squeak.

It's mostly about the awareness of the mysteries and multi-dimensionality of this question and being aware of what is truly you and what is not. This is about authenticity, not perfection.


Do you need help navigating the energies at this time? Get a reading!! CLICK HERE to learn about readings and their benefits!


Why Are We All So Tired??


8:8 Lions Gate Portal Activation