Michele Amburgey Michele Amburgey

Message from Mother Mary

On this day, I find myself feeling a soft presence, and I recognize the presence of the Queen of the Angels herself, Beloved Mother Mary, sitting beside me. She says “Beloved children, thank you for your beauty and your loving Light that you share into the world. It is within each of you to carry the Divine Light inside of you, and it is part of each person’s soul purpose to use that Sacred Light for good.

I often times sit in a quiet space, allowing for messages to come to me. As an intuitive and channel, it is some of the best times I spend with spirit. On this day, I find myself feeling a soft presence, and I recognize the presence of the Queen of the Angels herself, Beloved Mother Mary, sitting beside me. 

She says “Beloved children, thank you for your beauty and your loving Light that you share into the world.  It is within each of you to carry the Divine Light inside of you, and it is part of each person’s soul purpose to use that Sacred Light for good. But in order to do this, you must throw back the veils of time. You must release the pains of lives lived unfulfilled as you grow into the pureness of your True Being.  This Earth walk is not easy, and is not for the feint of heart. You knew this when you chose to be here at this time. You are the brave souls who believe in the good, and are ready to shine your Sacred Beauty to fulfill the desires of the One True Divine Presence that many of you call God or Goddess.  For many lives you lived blind and unconscious. But slowly, ever so slowly, you have risen beyond the darkness. You have found your Light. And you are ready for the next phase of your journey.”

 “The next phase of your journey, from wherever you are reading this right now, is to be found by going into quiet and meditation even more than ever before.  The secret, the key, the guidance, and the answers are all found in the Inner Sanctum of your Holy Temple.  Your inner self, your mind, heart and emotions and your energy bodies hold the energy and consciousness that will teach you to be fully awake. Meditation steers you away from mind into Mind, the Mind of Higher Consciousness. It takes you into the Sacred Temple of the Heart. In this Heart Mind connection there is peace, healing, abundance, love, kindness, comfort, fulfillment and wholeness.”

 I ask Mother Mary if meditation is the only way to reach heights in consciousness and she answers, “It depends on what you mean by meditation.  Many people today think meditation is simply sitting quiet and struggling to tame the mind. Some people think it is chanting, or awareness when taking a walk. When I speak of meditation in this discussion I am referring to the gentle act of listening. It is fine to use traditions of meditation to still the mind, but at some point you must let the mind be at peace so that you can listen to your inner voice, to your Heart voice. Truly, I am not concerned how you get there as much as that you get there, and that you get there on a regular, daily basis. I wish to add that many of you are being called by your precious souls to meditate. You ask for help, you pray, you struggle.  All of your answers are available to you in the stillness of Heart Mind. So, my Beloveds, I seek you out to offer my blessings, and to ask you to dedicate a few extra moments to enjoy the stillness of Mind and listen to your Heart after your practices. Allow yourself the luxury of meditating yourself into Higher Consciousness!!”

 I thank Mother Mary for sharing this profound wisdom with us.  As she moves away I hear her last words, “Blessed is the stillness where the wisdom of higher consciousness is found. Go sweetly, go often, I will meet you there.”

Channeling by Michele Amburgey

Life Coach, Intuitive, Energy Healer and Spiritual Teacher



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Michele Amburgey Michele Amburgey

Healing with Selenite Swords of Light

The Selenite Swords of Light are beautifully made energy healing tools made from Selenite, which is calming, purifying and healing. The handles are made from over 400 different crystals, tektites, volcanic rocks as well as water from 40 different sacred healing places around the world.

I have recently learned about a wonderful new healing tool/modality called the Selenite Swords of Light. I've taken several classes and are absolutely overwhelmed with the levels of energy that one can attain using them for healing, activations, transmissions and so much more.  I use them in many of my classes and offer healing session as well.  

The Selenite Swords of Light are beautifully made energy healing tools made from Selenite, which is calming, purifying and healing. The handles are made from over 400 different crystals, tektites, volcanic rocks as well as water from 40 different sacred healing places around the world. The handles also contain a small scroll that has pictures of the Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angelic Language, Emerald Tablets and contain Blessings from Indigenous Shamans from around the world. Some even contain sacred jaguar teeth and blessings from the Jaguar Shamans of Peru.

These beauties are amazing healing tools. They will clear your space, energy bodies, mind, emotions and multi dimensional presence quickly and completely. They align with Sacred Geometry, and Frequencies of the Stars and Planets.

I use the Selenite Swords in all of my healing sessions and I use them in crystals grids, ceremony and in helping Reiki attunements. I keep them in my office and my bedroom to keep the energy clear. There are many uses and many reasons to get healing with a Selenite Sword Crystal Healer, such as myself.

If you are struggling at all, please schedule your Energy Healing Session with me and experience the amazing power of the Selenite Swords of Light. Sessions can be done remotely.

Love, Michele Amburgey

Intuitive Guide, Divine Energy Channel and Spiritual Evolutionary

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Michele Amburgey Michele Amburgey

Archangel Metatron Speaks on Ascension

First, let me introduce myself. I AM Archangel Metatron. I AM the Archangel of Light and of the Power of God, The One, Universal Creator. It goes by many names. But it is all One. Let this be the first thing you gain understanding of from this channeling here today. I come to you to address Ascension. When I speak of Ascension I speak of the rising of your spiritual energy.

Beloveds, Holy Beings of Light, we come to you today to speak on a subject that is not often approached in your culture.  Yet, many of you are going through this process as we speak.

First, let me introduce myself.  I AM Archangel Metatron.  I AM the Archangel of Light and of the Power of God, The One, Universal Creator.   It goes by many names.  But it is all One.  Let this be the first thing you gain understanding of from this channeling here today.

Today I come to you to address Ascension.  When I speak of Ascension I speak of the rising of your spiritual energy.  It is the bringing in of your Light Body.  The Light Body is centered in your spiritual tube, or sushumna, as well as in the mitochondria of each cell in your body.  The Light Body is Spiritual Light, or God Light, that is a natural state of being for you.  It has been lost by a de-scension of energy.  You exist in very low frequencies these days.  But those of you who are reading this know that there is something else, a better way.  And it is to you that I speak.

In December of 2012, there was a great shift in energies, and the people of Earth began to awaken.  You began to realize that there is more to you, to the earth, to the universe.  You began to remember who you are, as God Beings of Light. 

There are many Masters who walk on this Earth to show the way to your Ascension, they can be identified by their loving and joyous hearts.  They can be identified by how you feel when you are around them and when you are gone from them, you are lifted in joy and peace.  These are the Way Showers.  Find them and sit with them and learn.

The purpose of Ascension is to lift your spiritual energies into alignment with who you truly are as Sacred, Divine Beings.  This will create healing for body, mind and soul.  As this healing occurs, you will find yourself in a life of ease and grace.  Miracles, synchronicities and joyful experiences begin to replace the struggle.  You will become more aware of the God in all things, and less aware of the lower vibrating frequencies.  You will find meditation easier, and you will find that even the hardest of situations are met with a deep inner peace.

It is simple to increase your Light quotient.  Meditation on Light is one way.  Eating a pure diet and drinking pure water that is filled with Light, which is grown in the Sun and handled by awakened people with a loving consciousness is a way to support the physical body as it absorbs more Light.  Honoring nature, being in the present moment, Yogic practices, and watching your thoughts will help you to shift your energies to higher frequencies.  Working with Angels and Ascended Masters is another way to gain ground on your Ascension process. 

The ultimate purpose of this, of ascension, is to realize your Self.  To realize the Light of your own Divine Soul, and to live it here in human form on planet Earth is one of the most important things you can do.  You are not required to do this.  You will not be cast out of you don’t.  But, if you do choose to take the path of Ascension, you will find something that you lost eons ago.  You.

There is more, much more, but I will end here, for now.  Call upon me to assist you.  I AM forever in your service.  Archangel Metatron.

This was originally an article in Holistically Savvy Magazine, June 2016

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Michele Amburgey Michele Amburgey

Angelic Channeling w/ Archangel Sandalphon

It All Comes From the Mother

Everything that exists here on Earth, comes from Mother Earth.  No matter how man made or synthetic it appears, it all came from this Sacred Earth.

Have you ever taken a moment to think about this?  There is nothing that exists in this plane of existence that doesn’t come from mother earth!  Look around you.  Look at buildings, cars, TV’s, phones, chairs, silverware, street lights, glass, metal, concrete, stucco, brick, plastic, all of it started with components found on and in the Earth.  

How did we get so far away from this knowing?

Archangel Sandalphon, the Archangel of the Earth, joins in with his wisdom; “It is easy for humans to have lost this connection.  Look how many of you rarely go outside anymore, except to get to your car or a destination.  Look at how many people, especially the young ones, who really don’t know where an apple or carrot comes from.   How many of you watch TV to find out about the weather instead of going outside and listening to the wind?   When was the last time your bare feet touched grass or sand or dirt?  It’s quite impossible to honor and nurture something if you don’t even know how much of a part of your everyday life it is.  It breaks our angelic hearts to see this.”

He goes on, “But, there is a revolution of sorts, a great awareness happening right now that is bringing human kind back to the Mother.  Natural eating, holistic health care, organic gardening and renewable energy are becoming mainstream.  There is a resurgence of the ancient wisdom. And don’t think for a minute that the “hippies” and “Goddesses” and “raw foodies” aren’t changing the world.  It is a consciousness.  It is a reconnection to the Mother who gives you everything you have.  It is Life.  And it is time for all of you to start living it from the Truth.  This Truth being that you are part of everything that is around you.  You are intricately and intimately connected.  Your well being relies on the well being of everything, especially the well being of the largest living organism in your presence, Mother Earth.”

As I think on what Sandalphon is saying one question bubbles up from my mind and I ask him: “So, how do we get back to our connection?”

All of a sudden my heart expands and I begin to smile like a child filled with wonder and Archangel Sandalphon says, “Dance.  Dance in your heart, dance in your mind, dance with your body upon Mother Earth’s sacred surface.  Lift your face to the sky, open your heart and be grateful.  Let your feet feel Her power, let your soul be cleansed.  Dance with gratitude for the Mother for everything you have, everything you are and everything that is.  This is a Sacred Dance.  She will hear you.  And all will be blessed.”

AA Sandalphon and Michele Amburgey





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Michele Amburgey Michele Amburgey

It Starts with Loving Yourself - An Angelic Channeling

We’ve all been in love.  Isn’t it the most amazing feeling?  You can barely feel your feet, your head is in the clouds, colors are so vivid, sounds are so beautiful, and happiness envelops everything!!  If only it would stay like that forever!!

Unfortunately, life sets in and we settle into the ordinary.  Our loved ones are human, and sometimes they disappoint us.  The rosy glow begins to fade.  We begin to wonder who this is that we joined up with and if maybe, just maybe, there is someone better out there.  Isn’t that how it seems to go?

This is a universal experience.  We all go through it, sometimes several times in a lifetime.  So why is it so hard?  Love is so powerful, why can’t we hold onto it?

I asked the Archangels if they would help with this.  I really wanted a good answer!!

To my surprise and delight, Archangel Metatron came in with a warm breeze on my chilly legs. He says: “Love is a struggle because you precious humans haven’t figured out love isn’t a thing to have or a person to attach to.  Love is a consciousness.  You have ideas about what love is supposed to be and when it doesn’t happen that way, you think it isn’t love.  The problem, at its core, is that most of you don’t love yourselves.  You don’t love yourselves the way you want to be loved, so there is always a gap in your love experiences.  There seems to always be something missing.  And you think you are going to find it in someone else.  Nothing is further from the truth.  That gap, that missing thing you can’t seem to find with someone else, can only be filled by you.”

I have to admit, I kind of rolled my eyes.  We hear that all the time.  Love yourself.  Others can only love you to the extent you love yourself.  Yada, yada, yada.

I heard Metatron’s hearty laugh, as he went on, “You need to learn to take the time to treat yourself the way you want to be treated.  You have to be willing to show others how you want to be loved.  I ask you, how are they going to know how to treat you, how to love you, if you don’t show them?  You will find a positive response from the world around you when you put yourself at the center of your own Universe.  When you love you, it never goes away.  It does not betray you.  It does not cause hurt.  It fills your life with beauty and joy.  It is from this space that you can share your love with others.  And you will draw to you others who love themselves as well.  This is a Higher kind of Love.  It is Divine Love.  And this is what you are all here to share with each other.”

“I AM Metatron, and I love you.  Invite me to join you on your journey of self love. You’ll come to understand how precious and powerful and life changing your love truly is!!”

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