Coaching, healthy living Michele Amburgey Coaching, healthy living Michele Amburgey

Life Coach In A Box - Life Coaching Made Easy

“LIfe Coach In A Box” is a Two Book, self guided Life Coaching system that is packaged so that you can unpack each step along the way in your own time, at your own pace. Like a beautifully wrapped gift in a box, it holds treasures and suprises curated for you!

“LIfe Coach In A Box” is a Two Book, self guided Life Coaching system that is packaged so that you can unpack each step along the way in your own time, at your own pace. Like a beautifully wrapped gift in a box, it holds treasures and suprises curated for you! It includes every step that Michele uses with her private Life Coaching clients to make the adjustments that create a happy, healthy, wealthy and meaningful life. This Life Coaching system is easy as every step is explained along the way.

What is a Life Coach? A Life Coach is a certified professional who works with individuals to help them clarify their goals, overcome obstacles, and make positive changes in various areas of their life. Life coaching is a collaborative and action-oriented process that focuses on personal and professional development.

What are the benefits of Life Coaching? People seek the services of a life coach for various reasons, including a desire for personal growth, career advancement, improved relationships, increased confidence, and enhanced overall well-being. Working with a life coach can provide structure, guidance, and clarity, helping individuals make meaningful changes and achieve their desired outcomes.

What is Michele’s background as a Life Coach? Michele is a Certified Transformational Life Coach, Certified Motivational Life Coach, and Certified Practical Life Coach and has been offering these services for over ten years. With this important training, along with the other certifications and degrees in psychology, therapy, hypnotherapy, mindfulness, consciousness and holistic living, Michele has helped thousands of people reach their full potential.

This is a digital product, that you can download and use at home!

There are two books to download:

Book One - Self Discovery is a 29 page downloadable book with tools and experiences for self discovery to prepare you to reach your goals and to move on to Book Two - The Action Plan.

Book Two - The Action Plan is a 32 page downloadable book filled to the brim with actions steps, organization tools and guidence to support your journey to succes in reaching your goals and beyond!

8.5 x 11 inch size for easy download. I recommend that you download and then save to your dropbox or other file saver so you are able to access it. This process may take you several weeks to complete. Once you get to the end, you will find a bonus offer for you to work with me one-on-one at a deeply discounted rate to answer questions, provide clarity or lend support.

Find out more, and take your next step to your very best life, CLICK HERE

I look forward to meeting you hearing about your successes!!

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Coaching, Trauma Healing, Neuro Bliss Michele Amburgey Coaching, Trauma Healing, Neuro Bliss Michele Amburgey

Heal Stress, Trauma and Neurology with Neuro Bliss

Are you struggling and can’t seem to break through? Have you experienced repeated situations, people, struggles, thoughts, etc.. and can’t figure out why? Are you feeling anxiety, depressed, emotional, sensitive, overwhelmed, scared or maybe even just feel a little bit like giving up? You may be experiencing the effects of trauma. Trauma has a huge impact on how we go through life. It can create struggle and limitation instead of freedom, peace, joy, abundance and harmony.

Neuro Bliss is all about identifying, aknowledging, embracing and releasing traumatic energy that is trapped in the body and allowing your nervious system to regulate and regain it’s harmonious, peaceful status, that is your normal place to be!!

Learn a little bit about trauma and how we can help you:

About Trauma

Trauma can manifest in the body through a process often referred to as somatic experiencing. The body's response to trauma involves the interplay of the nervous system, muscles, organs, and other physiological processes. Here's a breakdown of how trauma can be stored in these aspects:

  1. Nervous System: Trauma activates the autonomic nervous system, leading to the release of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. The sympathetic nervous system, responsible for the "fight or flight" response, may become hyperactive, contributing to increased arousal and vigilance. Chronic activation of the stress response can dysregulate the nervous system, impacting emotional regulation, sleep patterns, and overall well-being.

  2. Muscles: Trauma can lead to muscle tension and patterns of chronic contraction. The body's instinctive response to threat often involves preparing for action, resulting in tightened muscles. Over time, this chronic muscle tension can contribute to physical discomfort, pain, and a heightened sensitivity to stressors.

  3. Organs: The impact of trauma on the nervous system can also affect organ function. Chronic stress may contribute to disruptions in digestive processes, immune system function, and cardiovascular health. For example, prolonged stress can lead to issues such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), immune system suppression, or hypertension.

  4. Somatic Memory: Trauma memories can be stored in the body as somatic memories, which are non-verbal, sensory-based memories linked to physical sensations and emotions. Certain body postures, gestures, or even specific smells can trigger these somatic memories, leading to a re-experiencing of the trauma on a physiological level.

  5. Fight, Flight, Freeze Responses: The body's immediate responses to trauma (fight, flight, freeze) may become ingrained in the nervous system. These responses can persist even in non-threatening situations, leading to heightened reactivity, avoidance behaviors, or a tendency to become immobilized in the face of stress.

Therapeutic approaches such as archtyping, EFT/Tapping, somatic breathing, intuitive drawing, frequency healing, meditation, mindfulness techniques hypnotherapy and personal/spiritual development aim to address and release the stored tension and energy associated with trauma, allowing individuals to integrate their experiences and promote healing on both psychological and physiological levels. Resolving the stress and anxiety that is a symptom of trauma can be accomplished. I provide gentle, personally designed pograms to support your journey from overwhelm to inner bliss.

Symptoms of a dysregulated sympathetic nervous system:

Excessive sympathetic overload, also known as trauma, is a state in which the sympathetic nervous system becomes excessively activated, leading to a prolonged state of stress.

With a highly active sympathetic nervous system, the body remains in a heightened state of stress, even in the absence of immediate danger. This can lead to a range of physical and emotional symptoms, such as: 

  • Digestive issues

  • Dysregulated and disturbed sleep 

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Addiction

  • Eating disorders

  • Chronic Pain 

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Inability to focus 

  • Procrastination

  • Emotional outbursts (as in PTSD)

  • PTSD

  • Low motivation

  • Feeling disconnected

  • Withdrawal from life, friends, family

  • Suicide

How I Can Help:

Over time, repeated exposure to trauma and the chronic stress and anxiety it creates can shape an individual's default response pattern, impacting their ability to navigate future challenges.

Therapeutic interventions often aim to help individuals understand and regulate these responses to promote healthier coping mechanisms and recovery from trauma.

Through my Neuro Bliss Programs I offer therapeutic approaches such as archtyping, EFT/Tapping, hypnotherapy, somatic breathing, intuitive art, frequency healing, meditation, mindfulness techniques and personal/spiritual development aim to address and release the stored tension and energy associated with trauma, allowing individuals to integrate their experiences and promote healing on both psychological and physiological levels.

To answer any questions and get support in making this most important decision to change your life, schedule your Breakthrough Session HERE

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Coaching Michele Amburgey Coaching Michele Amburgey

Unblocking Your Path to Achieving a Dream Career

In a recent one-on-one private coaching session, my client Julianna said she felt blocked in manifesting a Reiki business. She had been working as a corporate executive for 20+ years but wanted to transition to doing work that was personally fulfilling and of service to others.  Things were set in motion; she had completed her Reiki certification trainings, wrote a business plan, developed her branding and website, and had taken a few clients remotely. However, she still felt blocked after spending almost a year of trying to manifest her dream of creating a thriving Reiki practice in a professional business setting.  

“I feel hopeless. I just can’t see how it’s going to be possible for me to make this a full-time career,” Julianna told me. “Maybe this isn’t my destiny or life purpose. If it was meant to be, shouldn’t I be manifesting it more quickly?

She scheduled a coaching session with me, and within the first 15 minutes, we identified the block, and I helped her visualize a path forward. I simply made a slight adjustment in her perspective, and offered an alternative approach to how she could manifest her dream career.  It was an “ah-ha” moment!  

I also offered her ways to energetically connect with her goal each day through meditation, mantras and visualizations – trusting the Universe would make it happen.  

“Thank you soooooo much for giving me renewed hope and reassuring me that my dream is not just a possibility, but will be a reality,” Julianna told me after the session. 

One of the tools I use for manifesting something like a career change, a promotion, etc., is through Mantra’s.  Mantras are powerful frequency practices that can raise your vibration and bring peace and harmony during trying times. When we are facing changes and challenges, having a calm mind is helpful while we make decisions and move forward.

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Michele Amburgey Michele Amburgey

Finding Order In Chaos During Times of Change

Swirling through time and space, rooted like a tree to mother Gaia, expanding like the branches of an ancient Oak into the celestial cosmic waves, we explore these vast creations through our mind, bodies and emotions. It is a symphony of senses, a concierto of energy waves, a cosmic roller coaster ride!! We are here during this time of massive change.

Swirling through time and space, rooted like a tree to mother Gaia, expanding like the branches of an ancient Oak into the celestial cosmic waves, we explore these vast creations through our mind, bodies and emotions. It is a symphony of senses, a concierto of energy waves, a cosmic roller coaster ride!! We are here during this time of massive change. Our world seems to be tearing apart at the seams, rendering us helpless and for some, even hopeless. But there is always order in chaos. During these times, it is so important to care for yourself deeply. In the chaos, you learn to love like never before. You learn how powerful, beautiful, resourceful, intelligent and loving who you truly are. You keep going because that is what Gods and Goddesses do! We keep going because we are the creators of this universal swirl. And in all of this seeming chaos we find the order and begin to see that a New Way is being created. A New Earth. A New You-niverse. Join me in August on Facebook, YouTube, in meditation and workshops as we learn how to take this tiger by the tail and teach it to sing like a bird. We've got this!!


Join me on Wednesday evenings for deep meditations to connect beyond mind and into your soul. Attend a monthly Saturday masterclass to learn about how to use your voice to create your desires and to heal childhood wounds and activate your highest potential. Come to Spiritual Chit Chat every Tuesday on YouTube! I'm everywhere and I'm looking forward to seeing you everywhere, too!

Let's lead the spiritual evolution, together!!

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Michele Amburgey Michele Amburgey

Its all about change in 2020, here's how to handle it!

We are in a time of great change!!  Everything is changing around us, the way we interact with each other, the way we shop, go to school and go to work.  We have to social distance, wear masks in public and eating in a restaurant is just confusing!!  Lol

During times like this it can get very stressful.  We try to hold on the the “normal”  we try not to lose out footing in a world gone…  well …..  kinda crazy!!

We are all being forced to change.  But what do we change?  How do we know when it’s time?  What do we change to and How do we do that??

I’ve got a few tips that might help!

In this world that seems to have gone mad …. The first indication that there is a need for change is simply that things get too uncomfortable.   We simply cannot do things the way we used to, whether by the circumstances around us, or because of changes within us.  A LOT of us are waking us, seeing through the thin veils of what we’ve been living in and seeing that things aren’t quite what we had thought.  Some of it is good and some of it not so good…….. and this happens when evolution takes place.  And evolution is change and change gets messy.  Really messy.

But what DO we change?  We start with feeling into what is happening.  Get out of your head, trying to reason away the weird, and feel into it. Does it feel like its good, uplifting and awesome?  Or not?  What doesn’t feel right anymore needs to change.  It’s important to identify what isn’t right for you.  It’s okay to let it wander through your mind for a bit and to see it from several angles. 

How do we know when it’s time to make those changes?  When the not so good feelings get to be really not good!!  When your  soul starts to yell at you “get out”  “move”  “stop this behavior”  or when you get ideas in your head over and over or things start showing up for you in odd and interesting ways.  These prompts can come in the form of music, animals, word or ideas that keep repeating, even numbers on a digital clock.  Your dreams are a good indication of how things are working for you, too!!  The Universe will go all out to get your attention and give you clues.  Your job is to pay attention.  Listen.  Stop for a few minutes and just BE.  This is where meditation can come in handy, learning to be still and quiet, to listen to your inner voice.  It starts to feel like a calling.   Something has got to change!!

But what do we do then?  How do we change???   My Angels answered this question for me personally many years ago.  And the answer is so simple, so clear!!  They told me to choose something different.  Just like that, choose something different.  It was so simple that I didn’t listen at first.  “What do you mean choose something different??  That’s crazy talk!!  You guys are supposed to help me!!!  What the hell???”

Then they told me what I’m sharing with you today…  stop, listen, just be still for a few minutes and hear your own self.

OK.  I did that… and it was kind of cool.  I felt calmer and more in control of things.

But then I asked “So how do I do this choosing?”

They said “Start something new.  Anything new.”

I pondered this idea for a while and then thought …  “But I don’t know what to start?  What if It isn’t right?  What if I mess up?

But then a soft gentle energy came over me.  And I heard these words, “Just start moving.  In any direction.  And the Universe will begin to guide you.  But you can’t move while you are standing still.  Just take one step in a different direction than you’ve done before”

And so I did.  I drove to work by a different route.  I started parking my car in a different spot.  I went to a different grocery store.  I moved the furniture around in my home.  I took a class I didn’t think I had any interest in, and it turned out to be awesome!!! It’s part of the reason I am an intuitive and healer today. I made new friends.  I started to experience new things.  I got happy again.  I felt good about myself and my life again. I wasn’t bored anymore!!  

I made a choice.  I moved in a new direction.  I chose something new, on tiny little levels and it changed my whole life.

So, are you feeling called to make some changes?  To choose something new?  Start with those baby steps we all hear about.  It will change your life!!!

If you need help with that, Michele is a Conscious Living Life Coach and can help you define your goals, and dreams and get you moving in the right direction with inspiration and confidence!! Check out her Services page now!!

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Michele Amburgey Michele Amburgey

5 Secrets to Managing Your Anxiety

It’s important to understand the root of anxiety, but it is just as important to understand how to manage it when it starts to rear its ugly head. And I have a few techniques I use that I want to share with you. Here are 5 Secrets for Managing Your Anxiety.

Anxiety!!  It’s an epidemic!!

And it seems like doctors and professionals don’t quite understand what it is like when that feeling, that energy, that overwhelming sense of fear, urgency and doom well up from deep inside.  

It overtakes our minds.  And it is scary!  To feel completely out of control like that feels like impending death.  Out hearts race, our minds race, our lives become a continual fight-or-flight experience!!

Anxiety can show itself in many ways.  Not everyone has the fight-or-flight experience.  Sometimes it is just a gnawing unease in the pit of the belly.  Sometimes it is a feeling of irritation.  Sometimes it is inability to focus. Sometimes it is exhaustion and a desire to isolate, which goes hand in hand with depression. 

Often times anxiety is associated with childhood trauma and adult trauma (sometimes called PTSD or post traumatic stress disorder) and chronic stress or disease. 

It’s important to understand the root of anxiety, but it is just as important to understand how to manage it when it starts to rear its ugly head.  And I have a few techniques I use that I want to share with you.

1.     Deep Breathing.  When you feel anxiety starting to well up, take deep breaths counting to 5 as you breathe in, hold for the count of 2, and count 5 as your breathe out.  Do this multiple times to begin to regulate the Vagus Nerve that controls the parasympathetic nervous system, which oversees sensory impulse in the body.

2.     Counting Technique.  Start counting from 1.  Counting 1,2,3,4 and then start to mix it up.  Count 1,2,3,4,19,56,97,15,10,123, and so on, allowing the numbers that pop into your head be the ones you use.  This brings your mind away from the thinking (that is the instigator of anxiety) and focuses it on something else.  This works great.  Use it as many times as you need to throughout the day.

3.     Room Focus.  When you start to feel that icky feeling, begin to look around the room or office or space that you are in.  Start naming the items in the space such as; window, yellow flowers, picture of a unicorn, stapler, computer, chair ..etc..  Allow yourself to do this until the energy begins to subside.  

4.     Sound.  Try humming, toning or saying “Ommmmmm”.  This also calms the Vagus Nerve and helps your nervous system to calm down and balance out.  Singing also helps.  Make soothing, calming sounds out loud.

5.     EFT or Emotional Freedom technique.  This is also called “tapping”, and works by stimulating flow of energy through your nervous system creating balance.  You can Google “Tapping” to find the tap points.  Basically you will start at the outside side of your hand, called the karate chop point.  Tap 5-6 times stating that you are in control.  Then, tapping 5-6 times at each point, move to the top of your head, beside your eye, under your eye, under your nose, under your bottom lip, along your collarbone and on the side of your body about where your bra strap would be.

While you are tapping, speak positive statements such as “I am safe.  I am happy.  I am powerful.  I am strong.  I am calm.  I am protected.  I am good enough.  I am beautiful.  I am in control of my life.  I am in control of myself.  I choose my experiences.  I am the master of my life.  I am in control of my mind.  I am in control of my emotions.  I am in control of my body.  I am sacred.  God loves me.  I am safe and protected.  I am not alone.”  There are many positive things to use here, make a list of positive statements for yourself before you have your next anxiety attack.  Keep copies of them with you.  Use them liberally.

Bonus tips;  

Stop watching the news, it is negative and scary and you don’t need to feed your mind on negativity. This also goes for any negative, scary or violent media content.  It’s important to begin to feed your mind and soul of positive, uplifting and beautiful things.

Turn off cell phones at night.  Yep, that wifi signal is filled with information just flowing through the airwaves.  And it is being picked up by your nervous system and certain areas of your brain.

Turn off your wifi modem at night and stop the flow completely.  You’ll be amazed and how much better your sleep is.

Get more sleep.  Scientists say that our healthiest rhythm for sleep is to be asleep by 10 and up by 7.  Try it and see if it helps!

Begin a meditation practice.  Start by using guided meditations, like the ones I offer on my website.  They will help you to train your mind to focus.  Do this daily for 30 days and watch your life change.  It’s hard at first, but stay at it, don’t give up, and it will help immensely!!

Dietary changes are important.  Sugar is the enemy when you have anxiety.  Sweets, alcohol, diet drinks and fast food excite the nervous system often times leading to more anxiety, more often.  Make those changes now!

Try connecting up with a Life Coach who can help you to identify what is going on and will help guide you to become aligned with your purpose and passion.  Many times anxiety is due to us not living the way we are designed to live. Contact me to get your Free Discovery Call and let’s see if I can help. Click Here to take you to scheduling page.

I hope these will help you.  Remember the healing happens when you apply what you have learned here!!  I know what it is like to have anxiety.  I’ve lived with it for years before I even knew what it was.  But once I found these steps and began to use them, my life changed.

I also found that using high quality CBD oil made a big difference as well.  If you’d like to find out more, please contact me.

I hope these tips really help you begin to know that you are not alone, you do have choices, and you can be in control.

Contact me when you are ready, let’s conquer this together.

Certified Professional Life Coach


Energy Healer

Certified CBD Practitioner





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Michele Amburgey Michele Amburgey

Self Love and Living Your Values

When you begin to live by your values, you are able to shift into a higher state of consciousness where self-love, peace, harmony and balance are your experience. Your become happier, more successful, more passionate and even healthier! You don’t have to chase them, they just are.

When I was growing up I learned that my job was to please the adults around me by obeying the rules, be a good girl, get good grades, don’t talk back, respect your elders, don’t cry, don’t complain, just do it, stop being so sensitive, use your head not your heart, stop talking, life is tough so get tougher, stop asking for things,  and so on and so on.  Does any of this sound familiar?

I know many of you have had the same upbringing, these same boxes to squeeze yourself into.  These boxes kept us safe.  They kept us in the family unit.  They kept us fed, clothed, and with a roof over our head.  And they kept us feeling loved.  If we are just good enough, we’ll be loved.  If we are just perfect enough, we will be loved.  If we do as we re told we’ll be loved.  But with this, our personal value was compromised.  As we grew older our dreams and hopes and passions began to diminish.  We weren’t heard.  We had to keep small so as to not rock the boat.  And so many of us lost sight of our values, those heart centered beliefs in ourselves that would allow us to know our importance and honor our desire to live our lives our own way.

Thank Goddess that things are a-changing!!  

Thank God that we have become aware of the damage this does and that we are being more conscious parents and grandparents.

But how do we recover from the trauma, pain and loss?  How do we move through the depression, anxiety, even dis-ease of the body that is created when we lose ourselves?

We start by becoming aware of whether or not we are living by our true values.  I’m not talking about what you value, such as your family, job, money, car, house or your friends.

I’m talking about qualities of life that you value, such as integrity, kindness, optimism, caring, thoughtfulness, respectfulness, fun and generosity.

What are your values?  Take a few minutes and write some down. Write down qualities you’d like to have in your life.

And then take a look at those values and think about how you incorporate those values in your life.  Are you living what is most important to you?  Are your goals aligned with your values?  Not entirely?  That’s ok!! You have come into an awareness of something that can help your consciousness shift into the next level!!

When you begin to live by your values, you are able to shift into a higher state of consciousness where self-love, peace, harmony and balance are your experience. Your become happier, more successful, more passionate and even healthier!  You don’t have to chase them, they just are. 

When you are living by your values, your passion and purpose become clear.  Your life becomes a joy.  Your heart is filled to overflowing!!  

Is it as easy as all that?  Well, it can be, but sometimes it takes a process of awareness to really get to the heart of blocks and limitations.  The process of Life Coaching, hypnotherapy, tapping and mindfulness can bring up the deeply stored energies that need to be released to find your true values.  Practicing prayer and meditation, having a great life coach, mindfulness, visioning and continued participation with a group or having an accountability buddy goes a long way to support you in making the changes needed to live your truth, your values and your passion!!  

I offer several different Group Coaching Courses where we learn how to let go of past limitations and find out what our true values are.  And then we learn how to implement them into our lives to find the happiness and passion we have always known we are capable of!!  

Please see my calendar for dates and times.  And if you don’t see one scheduled, send me a note and we can set one up!!

I look forward to more love in the world!! I look forward to more YOU in the world!!

Love, Michele Amburgey

Life Coach, Intuitive, Energy Healer, Spiritual Teacher, CBD Consultant







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Michele Amburgey Michele Amburgey

Healthy, Wholesome Low Carb Eating!!

You’ve heard about the Keto Diet.  It is all the rage right now.  And there is a good reason for that.  The Keto way of eating is the way our ancestors ate before the industrialization of our food.  It’s the way gramma and grandpa ate.  Meat, eggs, veggies, cheeses, lard, oil, nuts and seeds.   It has sustained humanity for thousands of years. 

Since I have been studying about the Keto lifestyle, and have implemented it into my own life, I have experienced healing of four auto-immune diseases that plagued me for years.   I am no longer in excruciating pain.  I have energy and my mind is clear and focused.  I am sleeping all night and waking up refreshed and ready to greet my day. It hasn’t always been this way, for many years I suffered.  I gained a lot of weight, and was in pain all the time.  But not anymore.  I am healing. I am beginning to lose the weight that was a symptom of severe chronic illness.  I have gained my life back.  And you can, too!!

I have been a member of the Southern California healing community for since 2002.  As a Holistic Healer, Intuitive, Certified Life Coach, EFT Practitioner, Hypnotherapist and spiritual teacher, I have used powerful tools to help myself and many others to deal with the underlying emotional and mental issues that have kept so many people from succeeding in gaining back their health!! Losing weight and being truly healthy is a many faceted issue.  With my extensive background I have what you need to get healthy, lose weight and feel great again!!

I am offering an amazing enhanced program of learning how to get back to this healthy way of eating that will heal your body, balance your hormones, detox and rejuvenate your mind, emotions, body and soul.   As your body heals, it finds it’s own healthiest weight, naturally and organically, without you having to deprive yourself of yummy food or exercise like a maniac!!  It’s a lifestyle.  And it is amazing!!

Contact me to learn more about low carb eating!! I offer Health Coaching to get you started and to keep you going!!

Love, Michele

Intuitive Guide, Divine Energy Healer, and Spiritual Evolutionary

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