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5D Meditation

5D Meditation and Spiritual Evolution!!

You are invited to join us each Weds at 6pm pst, 7pm mnt, 8pm cst, 9pm est for an experience in advanced meditation, multidimensional consciousness, awakening, God and Christ embodiment (not religious, but sometimes we use different religious teachings for understanding, always staying in Love and Light), and quantum levels of healing and spiritual evolution.

Each week we will have discussions about spirituality, consciousness, healing, ancient technology and future alignment. We wander into all kinds of topics, so an open mind and heart is most helpful!!

We believe that spiritual growth is fun, exciting, loving and safe. We are open to angels, spirit guides, healing, ufo/uap’s, frequency attunement, and the many different rabbit holes for learning and growing!!

Each week we will enjoy deep guided meditation that is transmitted through Michele from her higher self/ I AM presence.

This class is held on Zoom. Once you register, you will be sent the zoom link for that evenings meditation.

Energy Exchange is $25 pr week

January 29

5D Meditation

February 12

5D Meditation