Join Michele for a six week master class series dedicated to Ascended Masters and Christ Avatars
In class 2 of 6, you will learn about the Lords of the Seven Rays and the roles they play in our lives as we Awaken!! This is a specific set of Ascended Masters who embody Christ Consciousness and hold the vibrational frequencies of the 5th dimension.
These beautiful Masters will help to Awaken to our Divine Selves as we create the New Earth Era of Peace! Check out the other classes below! You can register for any of the classes in the series.
Class Two - Friday, April 22 - Learn about the Lords of the Seven Rays. This is a specific set of Ascended Masters who embody the Christ consciousness thus being Christ Avatars, who hold the vibrational frequencies of 5th Dimension and are supporting us through this great awakening.
Class Three - Friday, April 29 - Learn about the Ascended Masters who are working directly with us to create the New Earth at this time and supporting our ascension.
Class Four - Friday, May 6 - Learn about Christ Masters and Avatars. Many people are unaware of these powerful Beings of Love!!
Class Five - Friday, May 13 - Learn about the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Great Masters from the stars and planets of our galaxy and even beyond.
Class Six - Friday, May 20 - We’ll spend our last class in deep meditation and journey to connect to the Ascended Masters who wish to communicate and work with us directly!! Experience the presence of these Great Masters and begin a very sacred relationship with them!