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Master Class Series on Ascended Masters - Class 5 of 6 - Galactic Federation of Worlds

Join Michele for a six week master class series dedicated to Ascended Masters and Christ Avatars
In class 5, you will learn about the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the advanced Masters from the stars, planets and other galaxies. These great masters are a part of our intergalactic family who love and care for Humanity very deeply. They are a collective of overseers who are helping us awaken and ascend into the New Earth. You can register for any of the classes in the series, and it’s FREE for Tier 3 members.

  • Class Five - Friday, May 13 - Learn about the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Great Masters from the stars and planets of our galaxy and even beyond.

  • Class Six - Friday, May 20 - We’ll spend our last class in deep meditation and journey to connect to the Ascended Masters who wish to communicate and work with us directly!! Experience the presence of these Great Masters and begin a very sacred relationship with them!

Click HERE to register on Learn it Live - A new platform where all of my classes and courses can be accessed. The cost for each class is $36, and FREE to Cosmic Christ (Tier 3) members.

***This series is included in the Cosmic Christ (Tier 3) membership. Join to receive a code to register for the six-week series free at

May 11

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May 17

Spiritual Chit Chat LIVE on YouTube